Friday, May 20, 2011

ANP and Its Anti-Pakistani Foundations

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (1890 - 20 January 1988) (Pashto/Urdu: خان عبد الغفار خان, Hindi: ख़ान अब्दुल ग़फ़्फ़ार ख़ान) was a Pashtun political and spiritual leader known for his non-violent opposition to British Rule in India. A lifelong pacifist, a devout Muslim,[1] and a follower of Mahatma Gandhi, he was also known as Badshah Khan (also Bacha Khan, Pashto: lit., "King Khan"), and Sarhaddi Gandhi (Urdu, Hindi lit., "Frontier Gandhi").

History for idiots:

In 1942, Wali Khan while still in his teens, joined the Khudai Khidmatgar movement. Soon after, he formally stepped into politics by joining the Indian National Congress where he eventually served as a provincial joint secretary of the party. He was arrested and charged under the Frontier Crimes Regulations, in 1943, at the height of the crackdown against the Quit India Movement. He opposed the 1947 partition of the subcontinent and criticized the British decision to break up India.

Despite his father's efforts against partition and a brief attempt to instead create a new nation called Pakhtunistan, on August 14, 1947, Pakistan came into being. The new nation was divided into two wings (West and East Pakistan), separated by a thousand miles (1500 km) of Indian territory.

This is what "Khyber-Pukhtunkhwa" was really named for:


It says:

"Congratulations on the occasion of renaming Khyber-Puktunkhwa by Nadi Dawer president Afghanistan Peace Association (APA)

Sunday, April 4, 2010 at 8:29am

I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to my fellow Afghans/Pukhtuns for being able to achieve the renaming of their territories as Khyber-Pukhtunkhwa peacefully. It warrants my support and that of the Afghanistan Peace Association (APA)'s that this renaming may bring a greater degree of Afghan/Pukhtun identity awareness and unity and joyous moments of pride of our great common history and culture. But we must never forget that this is only a name change which should have not been different anyway, nor our people and lands of Loy Afghanistan deserved to be split in two halves of Lar aw Bar for the past century or so.

The real struggle is to end the oppression of Afghans/Puktuns by others and fight for the total independence and to bring our people and our lands together and reunify them under one flag, one constitution, one educational, judicial and democratic (Jirgahiz) political system where we, the Lar aw Bar Afghans/Pukhtuns of the historic glorious Loy Afghanistan, from the Oxus river to the Indus river, should be the masters of our disteny for all of our common affairs. It was for such struggle that Badcha Khan, Fakhr e Afghan, spent more than half of his life in Pakistani jails.

But we must continue his peaceful way, for his way was most humane and because we are fighting for reunification of Lar aw Bar Loy Afghanistan , we know we are fighting for our human rights as a nation and independence is the human rights of any nation.

Remember that Lar aw Bar Afghanistan was not our creation, it was the creation of the colonialists and their non-Afghan/Pukhtun servants more than a century ago by drawing the Durand Line between us and calling it Afghanistan and NWFP, which remains under the occupation until today. That is why for NWFP Afghans/Pukhtuns just to be called by their real name of choice in NWFP , it took sixty three years. It is because we are not independent and not, as yet, reunified.

We have seen in the past thirty seven years, since Sardar Dawoud Khan, that the territories of Loy Afghanistan has been the subject of proxy wars, and bombardment of our people, men, women and children alike by foreigner and their elitist servant governments of Pakistan under different pretexts. For as long as we remain separated, the Lar aw Bar Afghans/Pukhtuns will suffer the consequences of the occupation and division, which is oppression, illiteracy, poverty, de-culturization, disunity and being the tools for the imposed proxy wars in interest of the local elitist and international players which, in turn, as a vicious cycle will work in furtherance of the same against us and we will realize that just name changing, while may be a token for momentary happiness, is not what would bring us glory and real happiness emanating from independence, justice, peace, prosperity and national pride.

For this, we must organize our people politically and I ask everyone, as the president of the organization to join my group, the Afghanistan Peace Association (APA). Once again, congratulations."

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